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Leadership Preparation

Project-based and experiential learning are encouraged in all classrooms across our academy, and enrichment courses are no exception. We believe in the importance of teaching the whole person, including like skills that go beyond the academic and stretch into the future of a person's life, preparing each student to stand out as a leader no matter what his or her career. For this reason, we have made some of our life skills courses required during a student's enrollment at Lamplighter Academy. You will notice that the life skills courses are heavily discounted to make sure every family can afford these vital courses. All required courses are marked with an asterisk and only one is necessary per 2 semesters. Most courses are one day a week, with the exception of Math and Spanish which are better learned daily, thus have a two-day per week class period.

All prices listed are monthly. 

*Apologetics - Worldview & World Religions

15 weeks - 1/2 credit - $40

Students will gain an understanding of the concept of worldviews, what is a Biblical Christian worldview and contrast that with current cultural and religious worldviews in today's society.

*Apologetics - Foundations of Christian Faith

15 weeks - 1/2 credit - $40


15 Weeks - 1/2 credit - $50

From painting and drawing to sculpture and mixed media, this art course will cover a wide range of mediums and styles, allowing the students  to find their own unique styles and unique voice as an artist.

Logic 1 & 2

30 weeks - 1 credit - $50

Logic can become a secret weapon and lay a foundation to how one views the world and thinks through every statement he or she is faced with. In this course the student gains an understanding of properly defining terms within an argument, how to form and interpret logical statements, analyzing arguments in normal English and how to identify fallacies. Students walk away with the ability to understand statements they hear in everyday language and figure out whether or not those statements lead to truth, a valuable tool in today's persuasive and opinion driven media. While this course can be taken for high school credit, it is one of the required courses that can be taken during middle school.

Music - Guitar

15 weeks - 1/2 credit - $80 (group lessons)

Come learn the basics of playing the guitar. Students will become familiar with chords, strum patterns and even finger picking. Students will have an introduction to reading lead notes from tablature, as well as chord charts for rhythm guitar.

Music - Piano

15 weeks - 1/2 credit - $100 (monthly private lessons on campus)

SAT Prep / ACT Prep {SAT - Fall, ACT - Spring Semester}

15 weeks - 1/2 credit - $65

ACT Prep is designed to provide students with all of the skills necessary to effectively navigate the testing process and strategically prepare for test day success. Students will learn specific test-taking tools in each of the four sections of the ACT: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. Students will also have the opportunity to practice with official ACT tests administered from prior years in order to see firsthand the unique way that the ACT structures questions on the exam.

Spanish 1 with Conversation

30 weeks - 1 credit - $65 - T/Th Class

Students will learn Spanish in a group setting, including introductory vocabulary, the basics of grammar, and having the opportunity to practice conversations in person. This course meets two days per week in order to keep accountability for daily practice and to provide the structure and availability to work toward fluency.

Spanish 2 with Conversation

30 weeks - 1 credit - $65 - T/Th Class

Students will learn Spanish in a group setting, learning intermediate vocabulary and grammar, and having the opportunity to practice conversations in person. This course meets two days per week in order to keep accountability for daily practice and to provide the structure and availability to work toward fluency. Prerequisite to have already taken Spanish 1.

All prices listed are monthly, four months per semester. Every course includes class instruction, assignments for home days, correcting and grading completed on community days, and the amount of credit listed per course, along with community chapel which is free to all enrolled students. Please contact us at to request a family application or to speak to someone about tuition assistance as needed. Our hope is that all students who desire to grow into Christian leaders may attend our academy regardless of financial ability. All prices are subject to change at any time, at the discretion of Lamplighter Academy Board of Directors.

Life Skills & Enrichment

©2019 by Lamplighter Academy.

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