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Middle School Courses

A Classical Approach

Our middle school courses cover the main topics of a classical education, as well as include some courses for high school credit which are available to current eighth graders through twelfth grade. Our extra curricular art and music courses are also available for all grades in middle and high school (6-12), and take place on Thursdays. If you see a course listed here that is also on the high school page, it is the same course. Most courses are one day a week, with the exception of Math and Spanish which are better practiced daily, thus have a two-day per week class period.


All prices listed are monthly. Certain life skills courses carry such an important value to the development of a leader that we have made them required courses to attend our academy, though only one is necessary per 2 semesters. If you have already taken these courses, you may let us know. You will notice the prices of these courses are significantly reduced because the heart of Lamplighter Academy is truly to equip students with that specific valuable information for their future. All required courses are marked with an asterisk and only one is necessary per 2 semesters. We hope you will enjoy our course selection. If you are in need of a course that we are not currently offering, please contact us and we will see if we can add it to our lineup for the next school year.

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MS Paragraph

Middle School Courses

Middle School Course Options


M.S. English Composition and Grammar 1- IEW and Grammar 

30 weeks - $55

This course offers students with a solid foundation in grammar, while also implementing the Institute for Excellence in Writing, which is a structure and style approach writing curriculum. Students will cover a variety of topics, including sentence structure, the writing process from start to finish

M.S. English Composition and Grammar 2- LTW, Grammar Review, and Literature

30 weeks - $55

This course offers students with a solid foundation in grammar, while also exploring the Lost Tools of Writing, a traditional writing curriculum. Students will cover a variety of topics, including sentence structure, the writing process from start to finish.


Middle School Math 7/6

30 weeks - $65

Saxon Math, taught by a skilled teacher, including games and activities to encourage memory and mental math skills.


30 weeks - $65

Taught by a skilled teacher, including games and activities to encourage memory and mental math skills.

Middle School Math 8/7

30 weeks - $65

Saxon Math, taught by a skilled teacher, including games and activities to encourage memory and mental math skills.

Other Core Classes

Middle School Apologetics Introduction

30 weeks - $40

Middle School Art of Reasoning

30 weeks - $50

Middle School Bible 

30 weeks - $40

Middle School Civics 

30 weeks - $50

Middle School Critical Thinking & Logic

30 weeks - $50

Middle School World Geography

30 weeks - $50

Middle School Science

30 weeks - $55 - Supply Fee $15


Advanced Singing with Ensemble

30 weeks - $80 - Class Fee $50

Middle School Art 

30 weeks - $50 - Class Fee $30


15 weeks - 1/2 High School Credit - $50 - Class Fee $30


15 weeks - $50 - Class Fee $40

Guitar (Group Lessons) 

15 weeks - $80 

Life Skills 101 

15 weeks - $40 - Class Fee - $25

Piano (Private Lessons)

30 weeks - $100

Spanish 1 (with Spanish Conversation)

30 weeks - 1 high school credit - $65

Middle School students are invited to learn High School Spanish in a group setting, focusing on introductory vocabulary, the basics of grammar, and having the opportunity to practice conversations in person. This course meets two days a week in order to keep accountability for daily practice and to provide the structure and availability to work toward fluency.


As needed - TBD

Voice Lessons (Individual Lessons)

As needed - Price Per Lesson - $50

Check out our School of the Arts
and our Clubs for additional options.

All prices listed are monthly, four months per semester (15 weeks). Every course includes class instruction, assignments for home days, correcting and grading completed on community days, and the amount of credit listed per course, along with community chapel which is free to all enrolled students. Please contact us at to request a family application or to speak to someone about tuition assistance through our 2:44 Partnership. Our hope is that all students who desire to grow into Christian leaders may attend our academy regardless of financial ability.

©2019 by Lamplighter Academy.

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