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Service Projects & Field Trips

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Service Projects

Several offerings throughout each semester

Lamplighter Academy partners with students to provide opportunities to serve the greater community around us, because leaders serve others first. Lamplighter students, parents and staff serve alongside one another at places like: the Ronald McDonald House, where we prepare and serve lunch to families waiting on a loved one in the hospital; Buses and Backpacks, where we pack food into extra backpacks that students discreetly take home for the weekend from schools all over Lake County; and Do Good Farms, where we serve however needed, picking vegetables or weeds, or serving donors at an exemplary meal. Students earn community service hours toward Bright Futures and other scholarship opportunities, while learning the value of leading by putting others first.

Field Trips

Several offerings throughout each semester

Families are invited to join students for many exciting field trips each semester, including: seeing shows at the Repertory Theater in Orlando, navigating the Corn Maze in Zellwood, going bowling as a whole community over the lunch hour, dancing the night away at a Ball, and dressing up to see a Broadway show at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Students build relationship while creating fun memories together, and the purpose of dressing up to see a show or eat a fancy meal stretches far beyond having fun, to preparing students for whatever their future might hold, whether that's serving on a foreign mission field or dining with diplomats.

All prices listed are monthly, four months per semester. Every course includes class instruction, assignments for home days, correcting and grading completed on community days, and the amount of credit listed per course, along with community chapel which is free to all enrolled students. Please contact us at to request a family application or to speak to someone about tuition assistance as needed. Our hope is that all students who desire to grow into Christian leaders may attend our academy regardless of financial ability. All prices are subject to change at any time, at the discretion of Lamplighter Academy Board of Directors.

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